Personalized Rites of Passage for Young People + Their Loved Ones

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Marking transitions.

Making sacred rituals.

Welcoming menarche.

with Caitlin Quinn and dr. kacy borba spann

When young people feel rooted in their power, rather than shy or shamed for the changes taking place in their bodies, they become emboldened to live into their true selves. Period. Yet there is a glaring lack of resources and rites of passage to mark menarche in our society.

Juvenescent Moon womb cycle courses reimagine how young people are guided, celebrated, and accepted into adulthood by honoring and reclaiming this potent time. Weaving together personalized rituals, embodied practices, nurturing community, and comprehensive health education, we support young people and their loved ones to feel confident and capable during this time of transformation. Our four-week womb cycle series and year-long cohort offer a container of spirit, support, and science to welcome the menstrual cycle and mark the transition from adolescence to adulthood. 

We begin again with the Moon, Monday, February 20th, 2023
— Priority Enrollment Ends January 1st, 2023 —


Juvenescent Circles provide brave spaces for creative connection and community building, supporting young people to feel content in their self-awareness, confident in their capacity, and rooted in the miraculous nature of their bodies.

The Circle series is a four-week guided virtual journey from new moon to new moon. 


Over the course of five inspiring sessions of engaged and embodied learning, Juvenescent Circles support and cultivate unique family culture and celebration around the potent transition time of juvenescence. Through guided mentorship and peer-supported community, adults and young-wombed ones come together for interactive and engaging sessions that help honor one of the most important foundational transitions a person can experience — that of beginning to bleed.

Through a creative curriculum rooted in science, Circle participants come away with an expanded understanding of their bodies, as well as a capacity to listen to their own rhythms and those of the moon and the natural world. They’ll engage in art-making activities, explore thoughtful journal prompts, share in small groups, learn and explore together, and create their own meaningful rituals. Each week there will be separate time for juvenescent connection and parent connection, as well as ample connection time with the whole group. 


Every week, we will move through a phase of the moon, and work with our major themes of:

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Through spirit, support, and science

and beauty, play, and ritual — 

Let’s welcome the menstrual cycle and mark the powerful transition from adolescence to adulthood. 

Upon registration, each Circle participant receives a gorgeous, curated Moon Circle Care Package — sent to your door and filled with gorgeous art supplies, ritual gifts, herbs for tea, a brand new journal, candles, and more magic to support our creative time together. Throughout our Circle families will also receive educational PDFs and journaling prompts, podcast style conversations you can listen to at any time, informational and inspiring webinar videos, and art prompts!


Young ones, this is for you if:

  • You’re excited about having a circle of peers who are going through similar changes as you are — and are open to talking about it.

  • It sounds nice to be surrounded by loving adults who will be there to support you. 

  • You’re open to learning about your body and how it functions.

  • You are feeling a bit awkward or confused about the changes happening in your body.

  • You like art and writing and getting creative.

  • You have some questions you’d like to ask a caring adult.


Adults, this is for you if:

  • You know you want to do something to honor your child’s transition into adulthood, but you don’t quite know where to start.

  • You never got any acknowledgment or celebration for your own coming of age, and want to do better for your kiddo.

  • You want something more personalized for your unique child and family.

  • You’re ready to create a common language for your family to talk about bodies and relationships.

  • You want a community of other families on similar paths.

  • You want to kindle your relationship with your child so you can remain close through the pre-teen and teen years.

  • You want ways to include the whole family in each child’s transition.



  • Our Circle begins Monday, February 20th 2023, and will continue each Monday 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, and 3/20 from 4:00-5:30 pm PST 

  • Our virtual Circles will be hosted on Zoom

  • Our Circle is for anyone in Grades 5-8 that has either begun bleeding or is about to bleed for the first time

  • Gender-inclusivity:  We are open to and welcome all gender expressions in both adult and child participants. However, we do require that the participating child has a womb and will likely experience or has experienced their first bleed as this is the focus or our work together.

  • If your circumstances don’t quite match this offering & you are still interested, or if you have other questions:


Our fee covers registration for one adult and one juvenescent person in your household/family. All prices are offered on a tiered pricing plan designed to both honor the facilitators expertise and enable accessibility. 

$444 - This is for you, if you can cover the full cost of the Juvenescent Moon
Circle and contribute a little extra to make the experience accessible to all 

$333 - This is for you, if you can cover the full cost of the Juvenescent Moon Circle 

$222 - This is a reduced rate, supported by the collective, typically reserved for voices that have been historically marginalized and silenced, and are therefore underrepresented. This means non-white, queer, people with disabilities (visible and non-visible), and people who cannot typically access these kinds of programs due to prohibitive cost and/or cultural insensitivity. 


About your guides Caitlin and dr. kacy:


Caitlin is a certified Health, Drama, and Art Teacher with a deep passion for educating and empowering young people with creative, thoughtful and engaging curriculum. She is interested in creating meaningful rites of passage for all and believes in the importance of honoring the transitions we each go through in our lifetimes.


dr. kacy practices Naturopathic and Classical Chinese medicine, and has a deep passion for educating and empowering people of all walks of life, through every stage of development with kindness, empathy, and light-hearted joy.



We can’t wait to circle with you!